Sweden's history has been closely linked to the control of the Baltic Sea and its highly profitable trade routes. Under the house of Vasa, Sweden became a major power, controlling much of the Baltic region. By the 18th century, however, Sweden's position had been eroded by its regional rivals, particularly Russia.
* 1814╨1815 Congress of Vienna. Sweden cedes territory to Russia and Denmark. Period of 180 years of unbroken peace begins.
* 1844 Oscar I becomes king.
* 1859 Carl XV ascends the throne.
* 1865û1866 Minister of Justice Louis De Greer reforms the Riksdag into a bicameral parliament.
* 1872 Oscar II ascends the throne.* 1905 Norway gains independence from Sweden.
* 1907 Gustav V becomes king.
* 1911 First Liberal government.
* 1914 Government resigns over defense policy.
* 1914û1917 Sweden remains neutral though it supplies Germany. Allied blockade.
* 1917 Food shortages. Conservative government falls. Nils EdΘn forms a Liberal government which limits exports contributing to German war effort.
* 1919 Universal adult suffrage.
* 1921 Finland gains ┼land Islands, retribution for Sweden's war role.
* 1932 Severe recession. Social Democrat government elected under Per Albin Hansson.
* 1939û1945 Sweden neutral. Grants transit rights to German forces.
* 1945û1976 Continuing Social Democratic rule under Tage Erlander shuns "Functional Socialism." Establishes Sweden as world's most advanced welfare state, and one of the most affluent.
* 1950 Gustav VI Adolf becomes king.
* 1953 Nordic Council member.
* 1959 Founder-member of EFTA.
* 1969 Erlander succeeded by Olof Palme as prime minister.
* 1973 Carl XVI Gustav on throne.
* 1975 Major constitutional reform. Riksdag becomes unicameral with a 3-year term. Role of monarchy reduced to ceremonial functions.
* 1976 SDAP lose power. Non-socialist coalition led by Thorbj÷rn FΣlldin in government.
* 1978 FΣlldin resigns over issue of nuclear power. Ola Ullsten prime minister.
* 1979 FΣlldin prime minister again.
* 1982 Elections. SDAP forms minority government. Palme prime minister.
* 1986 Palme shot dead. His deputy, Ingvar Carlsson, prime minister. Police fail to find assassin.
* 1991 July: Sweden applies to join the EU. September: SDAP remains largest party but is unable to form government; Carlsson resigns. October: Carl Bildt, leader of the Moderate Party (MS), forms coalition of non-socialist parties.
* 1992 Austerity measures succeed in reducing inflation. November: SDAP refuses to support further cuts in government expenditure.
* 1993 Negotiations for EU membership begin. MS coalition survives vote of no confidence.
* 1994 Terms of EU membership settled. September: elections bring in SDAP minority government.